Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This week has been a very crazy week at work. It seems as though from the moment I get there I am non stop until I leave. It feels as though either every pt has a crazy family member that I have to deal with or they have so many needs that I spend so much time meeting all of what they have to have to get them home or wherever they are going. Today as I was working with a few patients that were discharging, my planned discharges were not going as planned! By the end of the day, I had ended up literally yelling at a nursing home for lying to me about accepting my patient. I was furious. I turned into the social worker from hell and started losing my temper to the point where I really did overreact pretty bad. Even one of the doctors that I work with was standing there asking if I wanted him to give me a prescription for some Valium!!! I declined the Valium and took a time out. One of the nurses jokingly asked me if I was having withdrawal symptoms from the lack of sugar in my life! I had to laugh on that one! But I realized that something was going on in my life to make me react this way and feel this horrible at work.

As I looked at my week, I realized that each day that I have gone home, I have gone home and done something for someone else. Monday night took care of my family, Tuesday night babysat for my goddaughter and now tonight went to a fundraiser for a local health care charity(which was nice). But I haven't had any me time! Part of my road to a healthier lifestyle is getting healthier from both a physical and emotional aspect. Just not having some down time for two days sent me into this social worker from hell persona! I think I have realized how critical this is for me to have in my life. Even tonight when I got home I was off to a local charity- which as I said I did enjoy. But I am so tired now that I will be heading to bed soon with still not a lot of me time. My selfishness has set in I guess, because I feel as though I need my time now! I'm done with putting myself on the back burner!

Although writing in my blog does help me reflect, however I need more. Lately I have been reading random books which has helped me drift out of reality and relax. I don't have to focus on anything when I read. I also have been getting back into my scrapbooking- something that I do enjoy but have not been doing. I haven't done a lot of it but I'm starting again. I'm slowly relearning what I enjoy doing. It's kinda sad when people ask you, "whats your hobbies" and you cant reply. I honestly had no clue what I enjoyed doing because I haven't done anything like "hobbies" in so long. If I wasn't helping out or working, I was going to school and who has time for hobbies when you are going to college and working three jobs! But I'm so thankful that I'm finally figuring out what I like to do. So when someone asks me I can honestly tell them what my hobbies are. Its kind of exciting.

So lesson for the day- to suppress the bitch social worker- find a hobby!



  1. Love to read your thoughts......and yes we share the same time for ourselves......and then I can promise you when you do take time, you'll feel guilty! Try not to........I work on it daily.........and have been trying to take a walk for two weeks....but no time!

  2. Definatly a Social Worker, we give all our time to others and none to ourselves. You sound like you are really finding and reflecting on the things that YOU need. I never learned to scrapbook, the real kind, but am learning the digital scrapbooking and loving its relaxing abilities. I hope you keep going and find even more things that you enjoy for yourself. I look forward to your next update.
