Tuesday, September 15, 2009

show date!

So today I just got word that the show that I taped will be airing this week. It will be on Friday- 9/18 at 3pm on NBC and 7pm on KBWE. I'm very excited, also a little nervous- I actually have not seen it so it will be interesting to see how it turns out.

I got my book and pedometer in the mail today. First of all, why do they have to make pedometers so complex- I mean this thing is high tech- why couldn't they just send me the cheap walmart brand that I knew how to work. I am still trying to figure this thing out! The book seems pretty informative. I cant wait to read through it all. I basically read through the diet and exercise plan and its pretty much all the same foods that I'm eating right now. A basic meal plan for the day is:
breakfast- eggs or bowl of cheerios with soy milk
snack- yogurt w/fruit or nuts
lunch- salad or veggie burger or tuna on whole grain
snack-fruit/raw veggies or some whole grain crackers
dinner- fish/chicken w/whole grain rice and veggies
snack- popcorn/ jello

Pretty simple really. I haven't gotten into the book yet, just started, but I like it because it is about mapping out mind over matter. Today I was talking with my manager and what she said is so true- most of the time Im not physically hungry- I'm mentally hungry- its a mind thing. From what I see this book addresses what types of foods can help with that and how to control that. I'm very anxious about getting into this and finding out more details. Always before when I have gotten a diet book I immediately scroll right to the back of the book where the diet plan is- recipes and the list of the daily meal plans. After about 2-3 days I throw it down and don't pick it back up. So I never read the book and find out about the physiological stuff that I probably should. So I am committed to read this book and find out why I cant stop eating. ( I probably know why but I would like to know why from a scientist point of view!!!). Once I begin learning I start sharing!

Another thing that that happened today besides all the eating healthy and water aerobics-yay!- was that tonight I watched the season premiere of the Biggest Loser! I have to say that usually I load up on the junk food while watching, but not tonight- I literally cried like a baby all through the show. The part that touched me the most was Shay- the social worker who was the heaviest person who has ever been on the show. Some of the things that she said I could empathize with her completely on. I think that watching this season is different for me because I can actually say that instead of sitting watching on my couch saying, "Oh i wish I could do that". I am actually doing it this time. I truly do feel their pain! Why is this such a epidemic in our society. It is so scary to think that half of our nation is obese and overweight. Its scary to think that my children might be going through the same challenge that I am now. Hopefully now, hopefully the cycle stops here.

Off to bed- ready for aerobics tomorrow- can already feel my abs hurting!!! Feeling the burn!!!


1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing the basic menu-plan! ill be watching at 7!
