Monday, September 14, 2009

so it begins

Well this weekend was the beginning of my challenge. I went grocery shopping- which sucked by the way!!! I began walking which I have to say even though I'm really out of shape I do enjoy. I started back at my aerobics class tonight and had so much fun with the girls. They are so awesome and so motivational! Its been so encouraging for me to be at work and around friends, I was so scared that I was going to be embarrassed by this, but its quite the opposite- I'm so motivated by it and empowered. I didn't realize how many supportive people are in my life until now. I guess when you never ask for help you forget how many people are around you that are actually there offering support and help. This has truly been an eye opener.

So back to my grocery shopping and diet. I shouldn't say diet- I hate that word! It honestly is not a diet- it is a lifestyle change. Its not about counting calories or carbs, or eating so much of this or that- its about eating what is healthy. So, for all that you want to know: Dr. Oz and Dr. Rozien (Dr. Oz's partner) say:
1. Four foods to stay away from are:
-Saturated fats- do not eat anything that has more than 2g per serving of saturated fat. This includes animal fat, most butters, lard, coconut oil and palm oil.
-Added sugars and syrups- anything that ends in "ose" in the first five ingredients- table sugar is better than artificial sweeteners- avoid high fructose, lactose, sucrose, glucose, etc..
-Trans fat- most margarine's, butter spreads, cooking oils- when using butter or margarine- use cholesterol fighting margarine such as promise.
- Anything that is not 100% whole grain- no white flour, no white bread- no white rice.
2. Walk at least 30 minutes everyday- no excuses
3. Eat 3 meals with 2-3 snacks between- never be hungry

Basically its eating the right foods- it should be simple, but its a lot harder than it looks. It took me forever at the grocery store because I had to read every label- and then realized that everything that I had been eating was crap!!!! But what I have been told is basically stay on the outer lanes when going grocery shopping- stick to produce, meat/protein and dairy. Oh and the hard thing for me is that I actually have to cook it!!! I cant just stick a frozen pizza in the oven anymore, I actually have to cook food! But I am pretty proud of myself, I did make a pretty good beef and broccoli last night- I know it sounds easy but for me that's pretty challenging!!!

oh and the five important things to remember -
1. take a multi-vitamin every day
2. take an omega 3 fish oil vitamin every day
3. take two baby aspirin to help lower inflammation each day
4. Drink at least one glass of green tea each day
5. and each plenty of broccoli.

Okay so I think I just ruined a segment of the Dr. Oz show for you, but oh well!!! So I'm still in the learning process my self. This is all the info that they have given me. The Dr. Oz show is sending me a book with recipes and more detailed plan so once I get this info I will share it. Hope this has helped!!!


P.S. I just have to add- I'm really sad about Patrick Swayze- I loved him! Normally I would use this as an excuse to eat a cherry pie or a ho ho or something- but i just enjoyed a nice small bowl of sugar free butterscotch pudding!!!!

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