Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meeting Dr. Oz- starting my challenge!

Okay- So here it is, my story and how it begins! I recently walked into something that has and will change my life forever! the story of my life goes- Im always helping everyone else and not myself. However I was faced with the realization that I could not keep up this behavior and had to change if I wanted to continue to even be here. And so it begins....

A few weeks ago I was walking through Zona Rosa, literally minding my own business. I was with my best friend Heather and my sister Katie and my Goddaughter Bella. As a usual two-year old, Bella was extremely cranky and all I wanted to do was to find a play place for her. Low and behold we found Marshalls where once we walked in two tables with signs for "the Dr. Oz Casting Call" were in front of the play place. I put Bella down and began googling on my phone why Dr. Oz show was here. With much encouraging from my sister, I went up to inquire about why they were there, and there he was, a very flamboyant man name Terrance- that I would soon come to love and hate all at the same time!!!! He had me fill out some forms and began telling me how fat I was!!! I met Kathy, another producer for the show and of course they instantly fell in love with me!!! haha. The next day it took off and there they were at my house filming - interviewing me, filming at Pour boys buying unhealthy foods and pretending to make house calls while at work! I honestly thought it would end there- nothing would come of it, however a few days later I get a phone call from some producers and Terrance saying that they are flying me out to New York to do a taping with Dr. Oz. I was excited, however still a little hesitant. But hey, who could beat a free trip to New York City!!!!

So last week I went to New York City! It was amazing!!! My first time out there and I have to say I loved it!!! The show was great- the show is about becoming healthier! It is a challenge and I dont want to spoil all of it, but a special guest was brought on to help me and a few others lose wieght- yes it was Bob from the Biggest Loser!!! (Let me tell you how much I thought I was going to pee my pants when I saw him, and held his hand!!!!) But basically he is coming to my home in 30 days to see how im doing, Dr. Oz's partner is helping me by calling me daily and keeping me on track and they are flying me back in 60 days to see how I have done and how much progress I have made. I am so excited!!! I so needed this. I am actually going to get healthy now and have someone to help me do all the right things.

So as I begin my journey, back to my old ways- I do want to help others too! I have gotten alot of my co-workers on board and i want so bad to get my family on board! i want all whom I love to become healthy as well! So this blog is not only for me- because lord knows there will be times when I will be frustrated and wanting to give up! But it is for others as well! So hopefully people will keep the encouragement coming and I will be way skinnier/healthier in 60 days!!! hahahaha



  1. I think this is fantastic!! I was very curious as to why you were getting to meet Dr Oz :) I wish you all the best of luck and I hope to follow your blog, and perhaps you will be motivation for me to make the same changes- is his new show going to be on ABC?

  2. Thanks Vann- I appreciate the support. Good luck with your journey too! I know its hard!!! I believe his new show is going to be on NBC, not ABC. It just premiered today!

  3. Hey chica. OMG I am so excited for you. I am so proud of you for taking this step in your journey. I know America is gonna fall in love with your personality. Gosh knows I love it. I see SO much of myself in your words. I got the devestating news after I came back from a trip in Early Aug that my Diabetes had gotten out of control. I had been able to keep it in check since being diagnosed six years ago so this was all really neccessary now. I am slowly working on it...and some days I fall off the wagon, sometimes for much longer then I want. But I am working on it.

    I wish you so much luck on your journey and I am here if you ever feel like talking.
