Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So today was a great day! First I finally found directions to my new pedometer on line and figured out how to work the thing!!!! Second I met to have drinks with some friends and all I really wanted was water- thought I might really want a drink once I got there but I didnt! So that was good! Third I found out that I am going to be doing a live interview on Kansas city Live morning show on friday before the Dr. Oz show airs at 11am. I am super excited! As you couldn't already tell Im very social and love talking!!! It will be fun!

So as I was driving a friend home tonight I had a great conversation about my wieght loss journey. Right now my life has really centered around this, which is great because in the past it never has and that probably has been a lot of the problem! But as she was talking, she starting mentioning how this really was going to change EVERY aspect of my life. I have always thought that if I losed wieght , ya I would be healthy and probably go on more dates but I never really thought about how much this would change my life. I have always stayed in my comfort zone as the "fat friend" and have never left that. I always have felt comfortable joking about being fat and making fun of myself and so on, however if I lose wieght and actually get healthier and skinnier, i wont have that to fall back on. I realize that I actually have been my own enemy- not food (although the crappy food didnt help!) I will have to step out and find ways to focus on myself in healthy outlets. As I look at it now, its actually really scary. My whole world is going to change. Not only from the way I eat and exercise but to the way I feel about myself and care about myself. All I can hope is that I will become healthier both physically and emotionally and have a higher self-esteem so that I will thrive in my new life! I know that it will be a lot of work, but I guess that is why it is called a journey! I actually truly believe in myself for one of the first times- I KNOW I can do this.


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