Sunday, October 4, 2009


So this weekend I celebrated my 25th birthday! Unlike my birthdays in the past recent years, it has usually been spent with alcohol and unhealthy foods! However this year was different. I have to say that I had so much fun and I was still really healthy! I have to admit that I was really nervous beforehand but I stuck to my healthy choices and things turned out great!

I decided to go spend the weekend with some friends from college in St. Louis. I really havent spent much time with them in a long time and one of them had bought a house down there recently so I thought it would be a nice time. I really needed the break too. This week work was so stressful. Every evening something was going on and I really needed to just get away from everything. So Friday after my personal training session, which about killed me, I headed out of town with the girls. The girls made fun of me because I had packed along with my clothes and things, my own food to eat as well! Betty, my friend in St. Louis had kindly bought some healthy foods, however just to be sure I went ahead and packed up some carrots, cheerios for breakfast, jello, yogurt and some fruit. But it worked!

Sat was spent shopping and thanks to Victoria Secrets makeup collection testers and a stand that was selling straight irons and curling irons at the mall- we were able to get our hair and make-up done to go out for the night!!! That night I do have to admit I did have one bite of a cupcake that Betty had gotten for me instead of a cake! But other than that I stayed to my healthy eating with no problems. We ended up going salsa dancing which I know had to burn off a lot of calories!!! It was alot of fun and hard work! We left there and went to another dance club and danced until 2:30am. I did have one mojito while salsa dancing, but other than that it was all water. The night ended with a wonderful crisis, as it would have to happen with me! As we were walking to our car a man came and assaulted another man and then ran off. This guy was so drunk that he didn't know what was going on. Of course everyone was freaking out so I called the ambulance and asked everyone to stop screaming!!! I did feel bad for the guy, he peed all over himself and the emt's were making fun of him. But I'm sure he is recovering fine in the hospital or at home by now!

It was just really nice to get away. It was definitely the break that I needed. I worried a lot about the food choices that I made when I was out, however it was easier than I thought. Bringing my own food helped, that way I always had my healthy snacks, and then when we did eat out, I made sure to voice my opinions and asked that it wasn't McDonald's or Taco Bell, but somewhere that I felt comfortable eating and making healthy choices. I was able to eat healthy salads and chicken at any place that we did eat out at. It made me realize that it is getting easier as time goes on. My body is getting used to the healthy stuff! Just that one bite of cupcake and the sweet mojito, made my stomach upset! I'm glad to know that it is getting better!


  1. Oh wow! I go to Taco Bell when I want to escape "bad food" from McDonalds. I have learned something from your blog. Now what shall I do? I am guessing Five Guys is out, too? Proud of you! Keep up the good work!

  2. thank you!, Actually after I wrote this, I looked up taco bell in this new calorie counter book that I have and it really isnt as bad as I thought! I think a bean burrito is only like 60 calories or something. I think as long as you stick to the simple things like chicken stuff, no sauce stuff I think it will be okay! Ive never been to five guys, so dont know what their food is like!!!! haha
