Sunday, October 11, 2009


So I think I just had the most amazing day ever!!! Without spoiling everything I taped my thirty day progress for the Dr. Oz show today. It was great. I think I'm actually speechless! I had been so excited for all the producers to come into town this week and I was so anxious to see them. Although I love Dr. Oz and Bob, I love Dr. Oz's producers too! They have been doing so much behind the seen work with me that has really meant so much to me. The weekly phone calls and the support has continued to motivate me and inspire me to keep going. I was so happy to finally get to see them again! I honestly didn't sleep at all last night- I really had no idea what to expect and boy was I in for a huge surprise!

I was able to incorporate my co-workers in with the taping this time. We taped at the hospital and although they knew exactly what was going on, it was all a surprise to me. As we were taping a special guests appears and I was so overjoyed to see him. There in the hospital was Bob Harper! It was great. I was able to sit down and actually talk to him about what I had been doing over the past thirty days. He was so impressed with the progress I was making. He was so impressed with the support of my co-workers and how I have actually inspired them to start getting healthy as well. The big surprise was going to downtown Kansas City and working out with Bob and tons of people waiting there for us! The support from the crowd was overwhelming.

I am completely taken back by how my life has changed in thirty days. First of all I am now 22lbs lighter! Yay! But there is so much more. I'm doing things that I would have never even dreamed about doing. I am experimenting with healthy foods, I am jogging down the Liberty Memorial, I am exercising everyday, I am actually giving advice on how to eat healthy! Its crazy! I mean honestly if someone would have told me I would be doing this, I don't think I would have believed them! I feel and truly believe that I am a new person! I am so thankful to everyone that is behind me. I truly feel like this is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me! I cant wait to see what the next thirty days will bring!



  1. I'm so proud of you girl!! Keep up the great work! :)

    And still SUPER jealous about all your time with Bob!!!

  2. I am so proud of you, too, Amanda! I can hardly wait to see the new tape. When will it air?
