Sunday, October 25, 2009


So this weekend was a blast, I have been stepping out of my comfort level and doing new things. I had a hard week on the scale- I plateaued- I didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain anything either. I think because I was struggling so much with lunch that I really didn't eat very good this week. And I know I cant always lose 5lbs a week anyways. Honestly I'm pretty proud of myself because I'm not too terribly mad. I am happy with my 26lbs so far and Ill try this week to make it to 30!

This weekend I attended the psychic convention in town! It was a lot of fun! I got two readings by two different psychics and both were pretty right on. My tarot cards said that I was rebuilding my life, taking out the pain of past hurt and letting a new center come in to build a better life from the inside out. After this happens I will be a beautiful person and feel completely confident in myself- which is what I'm doing! The other psychic read my energy and said that she saw a lot of travel and a very fast pace life right now. She said that I was also on a path that would lead me to a stage with huge curtains to unveil myself in front of a lot of people. She said that I have been looking at life through binoculars, just watching as a spectator but now I'm finally starting to jump in and enjoy! Which I also thought was pretty right on! It was a lot of fun regardless!

After the psychic fair- I headed over to chubby's to have dinner with the group of people from Missouri that was on the show. It was good to see everyone and everyone is doing great. Deborah- the one with the daughters- she has lost 30lbs so far! She looks great, well everyone looks great! I'm so proud and happy for everyone. You really could just see the sparkle in all our eyes! But I had my reservations about going beforehand. I mean when the show called me this week and told me to meet at Chubby's I was pretty much yelling at one of the producers asking him why? I thought there was nothing healthy at Chubby's at all. I mean 6 weeks ago I would have been all too happy to go, but now, I don't think so! But as we began to order I did realize that there were some healthy options that we could get. I got a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with a side salad with low fat dressing. To our surprise Dr. Oz came out and served our food! He went over our menu choices and talked about our progress. He gave us suggestions of other things that could have been substituted and things that could be asked for as well. It was really nice and he took the time to discuss menu options with us. We had a good time with him!

To wrap the weekend up, I went to the Chiefs game! I was a little hesitant at first because of my last horror story with the Royals! We did tailgate but instead of bringing crap, we brought veggies, fruit and healthy chicken soup. It was delicious, and we had a lot of fun except when it started raining and the Chiefs began losing terribly! Oh well, I think the main thing was that I learned that I could tailgate and do those kinds of events without having anxiety and without eating crap!

I feel like I'm finally coming out from behind my wall again. I have been so active lately and enjoying myself again that I feel so good about myself. I have been missing this in my life for so long. I have finally regained my self confidence again! I know I still have some missing, but it is slowly all coming back!


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