Sunday, January 10, 2010

Man- I cant believe its been almost a month since my last post on here! I feel like I was running around like crazy through the holidays and am now finally getting a chance to calm down and get back to normal. This holiday season was a different one for me- the first without my father and the first where healthy eating was my main objective! My family functions had a whole new stress that came with them- trying to figure out what I could eat that was healthy and wouldn't make me sick! But I managed to get through them. My weight loss slowed down to almost a halt- I lost a pound a week for three weeks straight and then slowly started picking back up. At first I was a little bummed, but I'm just really glad that I survived it all and still managed to lose what I did! I did find that I have a new addiction- instead of food I am highly addicted to Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. I must say- yelling at Mario is a great way to get stress out and I find that I have no cravings while doing so!!!
So now it's a new year, a new beginning to continue to make my goals. I started it off by teaching a life skills class for a non profit organization and their clients on goal setting! How appropriate! This week I finally weighed in making my 50lbs. I actually am down 52lbs now! It feels great to be at that mark! I have no clothes that I can fit into anymore- I literally have no pants that actually fit me, but I really am not complaining about that! I have a lot of things going for me right now and I think this year will be a great year to continue and learn what other opportunities are out there for me. My family is getting on the healthy kick- I am so proud of my sister- she is really doing a great job of working out and eating healthier- in fact during the holidays, I think she ate better than me! I cant wait to see what great things come for her! And I actually met a guy this past month! I got set up on a blind date and it turned out to be really great! He probably is one of the nicest guys I've ever been out with, which is really nice!
I know I still have a lot of hurdles to jump over. It's never easy nor has it been the easiest getting healthy, however I think that so far this year is off to a great start! I have the tools, I'm living the program- now I just have to see where it takes me! Cant wait!
